when we see each other on the street when I know you were there when the world is what we wanted it to be or at least what we wanted it not to be we wear our stickers long after they are faded we drove out to the stations we took others with us we called in sick we stood in line we waited we identified we insisted we were not turned away when we see one another on the street we share a day in our hearts we kept our way of life we held onto our rights we kept the tyrants at bay we cast our hope we said a prayer in paper, in a collection box in a both that could have held a confession and we became stronger
J.P. Dancing Bear is co-editor for the Verse Daily and Dream Horse Press and a founding editor of DMQ Review and the American Poetry Journal. He is the author of fourteen collections of poetry, most recently, Cephalopodic (Glass Lyre Press, 2015), and Love is a Burning Building (FutureCycle Press, 2014). His next book, Fish Singing Foxes will be released early in 2019. His work been published in hundreds of magazines and new poems will be or are available in Plume, American Journal of Poetry, and Good Works Review.