Everyone Has Motives
by Adrian S. Potter
Everyone has motives, especially you Donald Trump. You probably scan crowds and wonder what blue inner turmoil people have inside that can be exploited. I am sure there are insecurities rattling around in there, or maybe a few lost jobs, some bad beats. Maybe even swaying nooses of suppressed racism or acute anxieties towards political correctness. Perhaps you coax their fears to the surface by force-feeding fodder for yellow journalism to the media and playing games of chicken with career politicians. Like most cons, the trick is to always remain one step ahead of the mark. Good luck with that.
Adrian S. Potter writes both poetry and short fiction. He is the author of the fiction chapbook Survival Notes (Červená Barva Press, 2008) and winner of the 2010 Southern Illinois Writers Guild Poetry Contest. When Adrian S. Potter is not busy crafting a groundbreaking third-person bio for himself, he is contributing poetry and/or fiction to publications such asNorth American Review, Jet Fuel Review, The I-70 Review, Obsidian and The Tishman Review. Or he is catering to the needs of his dachshund and daughter, or maybe wondering when he should become a rock star. He also blogs, sometimes, at http://adrianspotter.com/.