Written by Andrea Vazquez![]() People wave flags full of colors to represent their LGBTQ community. Every year during the month of June, people around the world march to bring awareness to the LGBTQ community. Though we have come a long way to accept and normalize the gay and queer community, they still face harsh struggles with homophobia and traditional values and beliefs. Our current president, Donald Trump, should be supporting and creating a positive impact to those who struggle the most in social change, such as LGBTQ members. However, Trump has lied and brought false hope into a positive and safe change. Now he is against the LGBTQ community and taking away the rights these members have fought for. In an article entitled, "The Trump administration's latest anti-transgender, explained", Vox's senior correspondent German Lopez asserts that Trump gave LGBTQ individuals a hard time during his first year of presidency. He lied to US citizens about supporting the LGBTQ community and now he is not acknowledging Pride Month or the celebrators' rights. For example, Lopez states, the “Trump administration has tried to reinstate a ban on transgender people in the military". Trump is dehumanizing transgender individuals and publicly demoralizing the LGBTQ community. He is also preventing gay couples from getting their Visas. It is amply evident that Trump has his sights set on limiting both transgender and gay rights. It is our responsibility, gay and straight alike, to try to halt the assault on LGBTQ rights. We can not let this happen. It is important to continue to shed light on the life-changing struggles and battles that LGBTQ individuals face in a society that we have cultivated. Nevertheless, times are changing, individuals are growing, and society is evolving. Change is upon us. Even though there are many hardships in 2019 for the LGBTQ community, people are pushing for more changes in the entertainment industry, such as producing LGBTQ films. An LGBTQ film released on November 2, 2018 titled Boy Erased was based on a memoir written by Garrard Conley. The film revolves around a true story that Conley experienced as an openly gay man. The story focuses around the idea of conversion therapy. Conversion therapy is a practice where therapists attempt to convert the sexuality of a LGBTQ individual into heterosexuality. Conley lived in a Christian household with a priest as a father. His father believed in his son being converted to heterosexuality, so he sent Conley to conversion therapy. However, his mother realized that conversion therapy was not the answer for Conley, that in the process of this therapy she was only hurting her son and decided to save him from his suffering. As years went by Conley began to write about the assumptions of what conversion therapy can do. Boy Erased has been out in many cities across the world and introduced in more labeled theaters (since it is an independent film). Personally I have watched the movie two times and all I can say is that it's tear inducing, life changing, and incredible. Even though I am not part of the LGBTQ community, I support this group and their beliefs because they are humans, like I am. There are many LGBTQ people and organizations that I support such as GLAAD and artists like King Princess, Troye Sivan, Carlie Hanson,. We must be opened minded and practice radical acceptance of diversity. It is important for people to be aware that conversion therapy and changing someone's sexuality is neither okay nor healthy. The LGBTQ community struggles more than we can perceive. It is extremely important for us allies to show support through clubs, volunteering, and becoming apart of organizations like the Trevor Project or Ally Coalition. Andrea Vazquez is a PCC student majoring in Graphic Design with the hopes to transfer to a undecided university in the future. She says, "I personally love any form of creativity, that being in music, fashion, art or writing. It all depends on the mood I suppose".
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